Regular attendance at school is essential. The following is the procedure we follow for student absences.
1. Students have three (3) days in which to submit an excuse when they return from an absence. If no excuse is received by the third day, the absence will be logged as unexcused/unlawful. Three days of consecutive absence from school will require a doctor’s note in order for the absence to be recognized as excused.
2. Student absences are reviewed routinely. If at any time, absences have exceeded 10 or more school days parents will be required to submit a doctor’s note for further absences.
3. After three days of unexcused/illegal absences, a notice will be sent to the parents. Fines could be imposed.
4. At the middle and high schools, 9:45 a.m. is considered the cut off time for half day absences. 10:45 a.m. is considered the cut off time for half day absences at the elementary school. Students entering after this time would be considered present ½ day.
5. Attendance at school is required for participation in extracurricular activities.