Summit Youth Outreach

Friday, November 8th there will be a new youth outreach called SUMMIT in the Millersburg HS Cafeteria. This is a Christ Centered Community Teen Outreach to help get young people off the streets and provide constructive activities on the weekends. This is open to all local young people (UDA, Millersburg, Halifax, Line Mountain, etc.).

This Friday night we are hosting a Friends-giving night at the Millersburg HS cafeteria. It will include a free Thanksgiving meal (hot turkey sandwiches, mashed potatoes, corn and all the favorite Thanksgiving pies) as well as a Trivia competition with the (TV show) Friends and sports trivia following.  Also, anyone who brings an item, e.g. water bottle, phone case, tablet, etc... with the Summit sticker (distributed at the Millersburg Halloween parade) attached, starts with 3 pts on the board! 

A link for the Parent Emergency Contact form is provided.